Protect Your Inheritance.
A small investment today could very well pay enormous dividends tomorrow.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
We see it every day.
Older folks who don’t realize that just having a will isn’t enough to make sure all their kids and grandkids are treated fairly and equally, especially if they haven’t documented lifetime transfers that were meant either as loans or advancements on inheritance.
Siblings who don’t realize — until it’s too late — that when Brother or Sister convinced Mom and Dad to “put me on the account to help pay your bills,” they’ve effectively evaded the will’s distributive provisions and made themselves owners of Mom and Dad’s hard-earned savings.
Moms and dads who “put Junior on the deed” to the house and land “to avoid probate” and “keep it in the family”— not realizing they’ve disinherited their other children or forfeited the substantial tax benefit of a stepped-up basis in the property for their heirs.
An “Internet will” that doesn’t do what the customer thinks it does — or worse yet, that’s generated by a greedy or dishonest relative and presented to a well-meaning loved one in the twilight of life.
Or the disappearing will. Disappearing cash. Disappearing guns, jewelry, and other valuables.
Let’s just put it bluntly: Don’t get screwed. We can help. It’s not that hard, but time is of the essence.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” - Benjamin Franklin
Wherever you are in Alabama — Book a virtual appointment today. We’ll give you actionable advice you can use immediately.
It may be the smartest investment you’ll ever make: a couple hundred dollars today to ensure you don’t lose hundreds of thousands of dollars tomorrow.
Don’t wait until it’s too late.